We are proud to donate $1 from the sale of each Grave Tales paperback title to restoring and replacing headstones, and supporting related causes.
Our donations to date:
- $300 donated to the Brisbane City Council’s Cemetery Heritage Restoration Trust.
- A headstone and official commemoration ceremony for 17-year-old sailor, Jack Denham, in Warrnambool Cemetery. This was supported by Markwell & Swan Memorials.
- $150 donated to the Kuttabul Commemoration Project. The Kuttabul was destroyed in 1942 during the Japanese midget submarine attack on Sydney Harbour. Nineteen young Australian sailors and two British sailors lost their lives; another ten sailors were wounded. You can read the story of three of these brave men in this book. Gary Traynor and the Kuttabul Commemoration Project team is working to locate the direct descendants of all 21 men who tragically lost their lives that night when the Kuttabul was destroyed.
Watch our Facebook page and we’ll keep you posted of future projects and donations.